Business Purpose is to perform legal services such as making sure legal documents are authentic, checking the identity of the person signing the document, serving as a witness for the document being signed, collaborating with the buyer and seller, and notarizing all required signatures. Tonya is my name , I'm a new 2024 mobile notary and loan signing agent. I have experience in performing notarizations and loan signings. While on the job there i'm professional, I dress the part and deliver the job. The documents will be read thoroughly, and all instruction will be followed. I take pride in my work. I am available 9am-7pm and is willing to work outside those hours if needed. Allow me the opportunity because your signing will be handled with Grace!
Personal Bio
Tonya is my name , I'm a new a mobile notary and loan signing agent. I have to have a online Business plus care for my Grandmother age 92. In this Roll of a mother of 3 Grown Kids and a caretaker I have experience in Management of 3 Group Facilities for mental challenging Youth and adults. My goal always to get the Job done in a timely matter , Be professional and proficient. This New Beginning that my life is taking me on Loan Signing Agent I 'm super excited about the Grace and Mercy I keep getting for new things. My purpose is always to help and serve. Give me the opportunity to do so.
2. Additional Related Loan Closing (piggyback loan)
3. Jurats – $10 for first signature / $1 for each additional signature
4. Acknowledgements – $10 for first signature / $1 for each additional signature
5. Full Purchase
6. Cancellation Fee
7. Reverse Mortgage
8. Refinance
9. Rush Service 2 hr before Closing
10. After 7pm Closing fee plus additional
11. No Show Full Fee of Service
12. Client Refusal to Sign Full Fee of Service
Other Pricing Notes
Fax Up to 15 pages – $20. additional fee of $0.20 per Description. Additional Unrelated Loan Closing – $50 Description: Fee for additional loan closing that is NOT related to the first loan. Travel up to 5 Miles: $10 6 - 15 Miles $15 15 - 20 Miles: $20 21+ miles calculated at $.65 per mile