Notary Café Memberships

Welcome to Your Professional Notary Community!

Notary Café helps notaries expand their business by making it easy for people and companies needing notary services to find them. We offer free and paid membership options to suit any need. From forum participation, industry updates, centralized mobile completion reports and more, Notary Café features are designed with the professional notary in mind.

Easier-than-ever completion reports

Our new mobile completion report lets you submit reports from your Notary Desk at Notary Café rather than needing to log into each Signing Service site in our network.

What a treat for notaries and notary seekers alike! Where else can you search for, find, send a message to and connect with a local notary all in the same website? The sleek design is easy on the eyes and very user-friendly. 5 Stars!
Sonita L.

Email functionality with text

Our Email and Text feature allows those searching for a notary to send you a text or email message right from your profile.

I am amazed at the amount of business we have received through our connection with NotaryCafe. Our largest clients use your services, alongside many one-time users. Thank you.
Pat B.

Increased profile privacy controls

You can choose what information is seen by the public by selecting key information, like your address, to be shown only to our private network.

HOLY COW!!!! What an amazing job on the site updates!!!
Elise D.

Become a Notary Café Member Today!

Join the Notary Café community today and get started on your path to increased business!

Basic Membership


Access to Forums and resources on

Profile visible to the NotaryCafe Network of Signing Services

Includes your primary zip code as your Service Location for searches

Access to Completion Report form at each Signing Service website

Pro Membership


Cheaper than a cup of coffee No long term commitment

or $36/yr

Now with easier-than-ever centralized mobile completion reports

Include your professional profile in our Public Listing

Enhanced profile listings with additional zip codes for searches

Profile visibility control. You decide what information can be seen by the public.

Include your professional and social media connections in your profile.

Benefits Basic Member Pro Member
Access to Forums and resources on
Visibility to the NotaryCafe Network of Signing Services
Visibility in the Public Search on -
Includes your primary zip code for in network searches
Includes 4 additional zip codes to appear in expanded search results -
Gain an edge over non members in our Signing Service network searches by appearing above them in the search results -
Connect your personal and professional social networks to your profile -
Access to our Centralized Mobile Completion Report form on for our network of Signing Services -
Profile visibility control. You decide what information can be seen in the public search -
SEO Friendly profile URL’s that can be shared or linked to. Example: -
Link your background screen and other needed docs to your profile for easy download or verification

What NotaryCafe is about

Whether you are a notary or you need a notary, you can benefit from our community. Our system is set up to be easy to use and understand, making the process of connecting notaries and those who need them simple and efficient.



Total agents in our network.



Total Dollars paid to agents for In Network Closings in the last 12 months.



Total In Network closings in the last 12 months.



Total searches for agents in the last 12 Months.

Become a Member

All Notary Café members can create profiles and be seen in our in network listing and search results. You can also participate in our forums and stay abreast of the latest industry news and learn new ways to grow your notary business.

Become a Pro Member

Get maximum exposure and benefits. Join today and become one of our Pro Members