I have been a notary republic for over five years and I have been certified as a Loan Signing Agent through the NNA Since August 2023. I am currently in continued education courses and training under the Loan Signing Systems (Mark Wills) Six figure course and the mentorship program as well as I have purchased and participated in "mock signings over the web. I also purchased the RON training prog;ram from the NNA and nearing completion. I have mock documents and have went over them and am well aware of my states notary laws and I have studied and been trainined on certain signings and documents such as Jurat and acknowledgements and feel very confident in performing loan signings for new sales purchase, equity lines, refinance, reverse mortgage as well as performaing notarial acts for Marriage license and other notary public notarizations as well. If a mistake is ever made, i will acknowledge and go back and correct it immediately and learn from it. I have a laser printer, scanner and laptop, will have the mobile setup in my vehicle in March 2024. I am currently a sales and customer service consultant for a major insurance company for over six years. I enjoy working with people on all levels and helping solve their insurance issues as well as provide them with the correct and proper auto and spcial lines insurance they need. I pay attention to detail and my documents will be prepared prior to my signings and I am aware of what and how much wer can say to the client about their loan and paperwork. I am ready to provide excellent service to your clients. I am will ing to drive to several cities as well as counties to provide my loan signng skills and meet your companies needs as well. I will make sure the documents are mailed immediatley as well.
Prices vary by situation and location and time of day or city. I am will to travel. I am new and just wanted to assist with confident and knowleable loan signing skills. I would love to gain the approval of your customer's and have the opportunity to represent Natary cafe and get approval from your customer's of knowing I enjoy working with clients and assisting them in the closing of the most important investments.
Background Checks
Other Provider Info
Document Links
State Licenses
Laser Printer
Mobile Hotspot
24 Hour Service
Hospital Signing
Jail Signings
EscrowTab (IPEN)
RON Capable
Other Capability Information
Other Availability Information
Spoken Languages
English Proficiently-very little spanish, not enough to do business with at this time, in spanish classes.