10.8 Miles
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Merchants Bonding Co. $15K
Merchants Errors & Omissions Ins. $50K
Multiple Years (over 28) experience as a Notary for MULTIPLE Notary Company's and Title Company: primarily for Loan Depot & Quicken Loans, Inc. Multiple Years Experience with serving Several...
66.5 Miles
more... less BackgroundChecks: Insurance: Bio:
Merchants Bonding Company, $25,000
Next $100,000
With a passion for providing convenience and reliability, I've dedicated myself to serving individuals and businesses alike with seamless notary and loan signing solutions. I am consistently learning...
93.2 Miles
more... less BackgroundChecks: Insurance: Bio:
Merchants #NE5221406 $100K
Merchants Policy # 42202721N Surety Bond 15,000
I live in a tri-state area and am able to notarize in Nebraska, Iowa and South Dakota. I am available 24/7 with advance notice. I've been a Notary for over 40 yrs. and am a Certified Signing Agent....
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