I help Title Companies and Signing Services get their loans signed correctly and sent back on time. Hello, my name is Garrett and I want to work with you on your Loan Signing packages. I am newer to this business, but not new to owning and operating a successful business. I have owned and operated a Digital Marketing Company for the last 6 years and have turned over all the operations to my business partner to focus full time on building my Loan Signings and tending my to favorite hobby; investing in Real Estate. Why do I work in the Loan Signing niche? I love being around anything real estate related, but I didn't like being a realtor. I discovered Loan Signings while signing my own loan and getting an explanation of the process from the Loan Signing Agent. That's when I signed up to learn all about the industry and how it worked. How can I help? 1. I have 24/7 availability. 2. I will travel anywhere in New Jersey
3. I have a dual tray printer
4. I have all my certifications
5. I have $100,000 in E&O Want to check me further? You can visit my Marketing Company pages and see reviews of current and past clients we have worked with. I am very proud of the business we built and I know it will continue on with my partner now at the helm. Here’s a link to reviews of our Marketing Company: https://www.facebook.com/pg/popadpartners/reviews/?ref=page_internal https://www.google.com/search?q=pop+advertising+partners&rlz=1C1KDEC_enUS900US900&oq=pop+ad&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j35i39l2j0l2j69i60l2j69i61.2942j0j1&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#lrd=0x89c3ebce692b5599:0xc46b09b76e881303,1,,,