Serving businesses and community for the past 30 years, I now proudly serve the CA High Desert, San Bernardino and East Lost Angeles counties as a Certified Notary Signing Agent (Notary Learning Center), NNA Member, Licensed, Insured, Bonded, Background-Screened (NP National Verification Registry) and Notary Public for the State of California, I offer professional Notary Public signing agent services, which include: Acknowledgments, Jurats, Power of Attorney, Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care, POA Copy Certifications, Affidavits and Depositions, Proof of Execution by Subscribing Witness, Loan Documents, Trusts, Deeds, Wills, Testaments, Contracts, and more. I am fully mobile and can even travel to most difficult to reach areas via 4WD capabilities. I can go the extra mile to get the job done professionally.