0 Miles
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Merchant Bonding Company $100,000
Travelers Casualty $10,000
My name is Jeannie Lynn Warfel Realtor®, Notary Public, and Loan Signing Agent. My experience as a Realtor® here in the North DFW Metroplex has exposed me to the Loan Signing and Closing world...
2.0 Miles
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Backgrounds Online
Bond -NNA Insurance services llc-$10,000
E&O - Merchants bonding Co- $25,000
I am a self-employed independent contractor that is hired to get real estate loan documents executed correctly, properly notarized, and returned for processing on time. I have been a notary for 10+...
2.0 Miles
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Merchants: E&O $100k, Mutual Bond $10k
Markel : NSA E&O $500k
It is my pleasure to provide general notary & notary signing agent services in Collin County, Texas! With over 20 years mortgage banking, counseling and customer service experience, I offer prompt...
2.0 Miles
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Backgrounds Online
Western Surety Company $25,000
Kimberly has 20+ years of experience in real estate and 10+ years as a notary. She is a Real Estate Agent, Notary Public, Notary Signing Agent Certification in Texas with a completed NNA Background...
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